Building a Crypto Wallet: With thirdweb X hashnode

Building a Crypto Wallet: With thirdweb X hashnode


🚀Project Overview:

We thought of how we could leverage thirdweb’s tools and merge it with a DEFI project. Most use cases we saw were either a marketplace, or something involving NFTs.

Our project is an Ethereum wallet, where users can store crypto assets and can also invest them in a DEFI protocol; to gain interest on them.

We decided to work with the compound finance protocol while also using thirdweb’s sdk’s and tools to interact with our smart contracts.

🏗Technologies we worked with:



This was the development environment for our smart contracts.
It allowed us to write our solidity contracts and also perform comprehensive tests with popular test libraries (like chai, hardhat-ethers).
We also got to fork the mainnet locally, impersonate a live account to be able to run tests on our Integration with the compound protocol.



The user interface of our application was built mainly with Tailwind css.
A utility first class CSS framework. We were able to rapidly build custom components for our application, while also making use of headless html components from ( and in our UI.
With Tailwind css we were able to build out our own UI theme and font-style. The inspiration for our dashboard UI was gotten from metamask which has a simple user experience.


This is a front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. We used this to build our frontend for a seamless user interaction with our project.


Our smart contracts were written with the popular solidity language. It consists of the vault contract, the wallet contract, and the compound controller contract. All these serve the purpose of sending, receiving and storing user crypto assets. The later also handles the investment with the compound protocol.

✔Compound protocol:

This is a DEFI protocol that allows users(developers) to lend or borrow their assets. Users gain interest on these crypto assets lent to the compound protocol.
So users of our wallet can easily decide to invest their savings and gain high interest on them.

☄Things we learnt:

We learnt about the thirdweb sdk that allows for ease of building web3 products.
We got to write smart contracts that interact with a DEFI protocol which was a really interesting experience.

💻The project:

Live Demo
Frontend Github Repo
Smart-contracts Github Repo

🤼The Team:

Ebube Okorie - Blockchain & Software Engineer
Izaak Chukwuma - Software Engineer & Blockchain En​thu​si​ast
Ifenna Monanu - Backend Engineer
Ekene Nwobodo - Software Engineer


This was an exciting project to hack on.
Gave us the opportunity to participate in a Hackathon and also get to work with thirdwebs’ very helpful tools that eases much of the stress of building web3 Dapps currently.
Also gave us the opportunity to try smart contract integrations with a DEFI protocol, which currently is kinda like our gateway into the DEFI space.
Hope people will get to use the project for the value it offers.